ott 222012
Prezzo: € 95,00
Anno: 2012
Autore/Curatore: His Honour Judge Christopher Walton
ISBN: 9780414024410
EDITORE: Sweet & Maxwell

When you are dealing with negligence cases, there really is only one place to turn – Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence. The 12th edition gives you guidance on all areas of negligence covering both common law and statutory duty so you can refer to the right cases and legislation easily.

The 2nd supplement to the 12th edition of Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence brings the main work up to date with all the latest developments including:

Two important decisions in the Supreme Court:
  AB v Ministry of Defence (limitation of actions, knowledge of attribution, s.33 of the Limitation Act 1980)
  BAI (Run Off) Limited v Durham (observations on the effect of the “special rule” in Fairchild v Glenhavon)

Key Court of Appeal decisions:
  Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Conarken Group Ltd (extent of recovery for economic loss consequent upon physical damage)
  Fernquest v Swansea City and Council (scope of the duty of a local authority operating a “park and ride” scheme)
  Zurich Insurance Co Plc v Hayward (re-opening settlement induced by fraud)
  Hadlow v Peterborough City Council (scope of duty to a teacher at a secure unit)
  Wright v Cambridge Medical Group (intervening causes in the clinical negligence context)
  Williams v University of Birmingham (exposure to asbestos when performing experiments as a student)

And interesting first instance decisions:
  Broster v Galliard Docklands Ltd (application of the “complex structure” test)
  McKie v Swindon College (former employer’s liability for misleading reference)
  Smith v Ministry of Defence (liability to soldiers serving in Iraq for equipment supplied)
  W v Swimming Teachers’ Association (whether school owed a non delegable duty of care where swimming lessons were contracted out)
  XVW and YZA v Gravesend Grammar Schools for Girls (vicarious liability for criminal act of a third party)
  Geary v JD Wetherspoon plc (liability of hotel to guest; volenti non fit injuria)
Prezzo di vendita € 95,00 (più € 10,00 spese di spedizione).
Tempo di attesa: 30 gg. circa

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