mag 162018
Titolo: Il crowdfunding: cambia il tradizionale sistema del "fare impresa"
Prezzo: € 40,00
Anno: 2018
Autore/Curatore: Antonio Pavan
ISBN: 9788813368494



Il volume tratta l’argomento del crowdfunding, offrendo un inquadramento generale del fenomeno a livello mondiale, per poi concentrarsi sulla particolare forma dell’equity based crowdfunding, come disciplinata dalla Consob, con la recente Delibera 29 novembre 2017, n. 20204. Il tutto, attraverso un approccio pratico ed una lettura, articolo per articolo, della normativa rilevante. L’assenza “di confini” del fenomeno del crowdfunding ha poi suggerito di redigere il libro non solo in lingua italiana, ma anche inglese.


The present book focuses on the topic of crowdfunding, providing readers with a general framework of the phenomenon on the global scale, to be followed by a narrower focus on one of its particular forms –the equity based crowdfunding, as regulated by the CONSOB, through the recent Resolution no. 20204 of 29 November 2017; all of this in a pragmatic approach to the subject and with an individual analysis of each article of the relevant regulation. The lack of boundaries for the crowdfunding phenomenon has motivated the decision to write the present book not only in Italian but also in English.


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